

[17/05, 1:49 pm] Arungosh: Areas of textmining Information retrival Data mining Natural language processing Information extraction [17/05, 1:49 pm] Arungosh: Process of text mining Text db Text preprocessing -Tokenxarion - stop word removal -stemming Text transformation -feature generation S Feture section -attribute selection Text mining techqiue Evuation [17/05, 1:54 pm] Akhil MS: Link mining tasks: Webpage collection Bibliography collection Epidemiological collection [17/05, 1:54 pm] Akhil MS: Application Social bookmarking Epidemiological studies Friendship in social nw Bibliography [17/05, 1:54 pm] Akhil MS: Link mining methodology Data description Data preprocessing Data transformation

Move A String

ALP to move a string of data words from one memory location to another. g. Developer:  Anirudh T P Licence:  OpenSource Platform/Language:  MASM Download

Search For A Byte In A String

ALP to find out whether a given byte is in the string or not. Also to find the location of the byte  from starting location of the string. Developer:  Anirudh T P Licence:  OpenSource Platform/Language:  MASM Download

Smallest And Largest - 16 Bit

MASM program to find smallest and largest element in an array of 16 Bit numbers. Developer:  Anirudh T P Licence:  OpenSource Platform/Language:  MASM Download

Sorting And Searching - 16 Bit

MASM program to sort an array in ascending order and to search for a number in the array. Developer:  Anirudh T P Licence:  OpenSource Platform/Language:  MASM Download

Simple Calculator - 16 Bit

Simple Calculator performs basic arithmetic operations : addition,subtraction,multiplication and division of 16 Bit numbers. Developer:  Anirudh T P Licence:  OpenSource Platform/Language:  MASM Download

UDP Network Programming

UDP or user datagram protocol is an alternative protocol to its more common counterpart TCP. UDP like TCP is a protocol for packet transfer from 1 host to another, but has some important differences. UDP is a connectionless and non-stream oriented protocol. It means a UDP server just catches incoming packets from any and many hosts without establishing a reliable pipe kind of connection. Developer: Abhishek Nandakumar Licence:  OpenSource Platform/Language: Python Download Download